translation of: Plovi, plovi 'Dalmatian poular song' : LUSENET : Dalmatian culture : One Thread

I heard the song plovi, plovi and traced it back on the net in but I don't understand the words, has it something to with the long coast of Dalmatia? Can anyone help me to translate the text

-- Joris Buys (, October 01, 2002


Plovi, plovi douboko yé moré, plovi, plovi douboko yé moré.

Anko, antschitzé, Doucho i sretzé moyé.

tvoyé oko ko moré douboko, tvoyé oko komoré douboko. ............................................... sail, sail the sea is deep sail, sail the sea is deep

Anko, my little Anko, My dear and lucky one.

Your eyes are like the deep sea ...............................................

Its a good little song!!

-- (, October 02, 2002.

Ljubazno molim ako netko posjeduje notni zapis priređen za klavir kompozicije VELA LUKA da mi ga hitno pošalje e-mailom.

Veliko hvala, Zoran.

-- Zoran Turjak (, October 14, 2002.

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