Looking for old arrangements of Winter Wonderland and Parade of the Wooden Soldiersgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Free Music : One Thread |
Hi - I am looking for particular arrangements of Winter Wonderland and Parade of the Wooden Soldiers that I played as a teen (about 25-30 years ago). I have looked all over the stores. It is not the original Winter Wonderland that I have found in print (white cover with snowflakes). The one I played had a lot more chords. If anyone has an old copy or knows of different arrangers I'd love to know about them. Please email me at lindal@blast.net. Thanks!
-- Linda Lovero (lindal@blast.net), September 28, 2002
I'll write especially for you any sheetmusic http://clik.to/freesheetmusic http://www.geocities.com/crescalona/campana12.htm
-- Carolina Escalona (crescalona@yahoo.com), November 16, 2003.