What would be your Dream Bike?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I'm doing alittle research, and i want to know if you could build your own dream bike, how would you build it?

What color? What graffics? if any? What size engine? How many cylinders? Would you have ram air? Would it have a single or double sided swing arm? Would it have single, double, triple head lights? Would you build a Pinto $$$ so people could afford it or would build a Ferrari so the rich and famous could only enjoy? What ever else that you could dream up, please let me know, thanks...

ps send pics or drawings if you have them? PatriotBikes@aol.com

-- Dreamer (PatriotBikes@aol.com), September 27, 2002


One that comes with spares for every possible part that can get damaged in a crash.

If you want to know the dream bike, I already ride it (look where you're posting!), but my only worry is crashing the bike and having to wait 6 months to fix it. Or worse...

-- Andy Ruhl (quadreverb@yahoo.com), September 27, 2002.

Tell me about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Robert Stevenson (the.stevensons@btinternet.com), September 27, 2002.

a v10 compact, macked, trick bike...and affordable

-- o (okthomas@tir.com), September 27, 2002.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Instead of those nasty exhaust fumes, could someone make a bike that spews the smell of bacon cooking in the morning? That would be nice.

-- Andy Ruhl (quadreverb@yahoo.com), September 30, 2002.

Motor: a V12 (can you imagine the underseat pipes?), body by Tamburini, stealth paint, single sided swingarm, carbon brakes, comes with a paddock stand AND an umbrella babe.

-- gary (gary@oceandesign.co.nz), October 01, 2002.

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