Not really a question but want to make a comment : LUSENET : Direct action to stop abuse : One Thread

To whom it may concern, Please accept my humble obediences. My name is Bhaktin Michelle and I am a member of ISKCON for many years. I want to express that not every devotee is a abuser and the article you have does not lead to this truth. I have three blessed gifts from Krsna that I adore. I am not a abuser. Our communities have been devistated by these aligations and several of them are proven to be untrue. Why such utter disregaurd for truth? Is it common for you to ignore the fact that we are all not carbon copies of each other? I understnad that child abuse happens but many cry wolf for attention, it is my thought that if they were really victums of such acts they would press for justice not money. I feel that child abuse is unspeakable and the suffering can last a lifetime, I was abused but I am no longer attached to the idea that I was a victum, it was for me to learn from it and to not repeat it. I have compassion for those who have been really abused and seek truth and justice not easy cash. I hope that I have not offended you in any way but I had to express myself to you. I offer my humble apologies to you and hope that you learn truth and express more than one side. Thank you.

Your Ever Well-Wisher, BM

-- Bhaktin Michelle (, September 18, 2002

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