Where to rent latest Chinese VCD movies

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am looking for Internet rental sites where I can rent the latest Chinese VCD movies made within the last few years. I found ehit.com, but they rent mostly DVDs. I found a few sites ,but the movies are very old (some of the more than 10 years). Thanks for your help

-- Tony Young (phxsun2001@yahoo.com), September 11, 2002


where are you located?

-- (!@!.!), September 11, 2002.

Try webjade.com. I use to rent from them.

-- (sd_tran@hotmail.com), September 11, 2002.

try clubvcd.com

-- Marie (celestineta@yahoo.com), November 01, 2002.

What've happened to Webjade? No more access.

-- GuoLi (guoli98@hotmail.com), December 02, 2002.

try rentchinesemovie.com. They have the most recent ones.

-- CS (jshenc@hotmail.com), February 02, 2003.

try www.DragonShows.com. They have the largest selections.

-- John Chang (mod2732@aol.com), March 07, 2003.

heres my site... www.kuen.s5.com/VCD.html

-- Kenny (kennyrsx@hotmail.com), March 07, 2003.

Try this one, www.RentChinese.com. You will like it!

-- John Sun (Johnsun03@yahoo.com), March 10, 2005.

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