Safety wiring the MV for a track day... : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I'm going to have to safety wire my MV when (if?) I ever bring it to the track. I'm really interested in riding it on the track because that's really where it belongs so you can ride it properly. However, I'm kind of balking at drilling holes in it and putting on wire... I'm sure it's not that big a deal, but what if I sell it and the buyer sees the wire and says "TRACK DAY? You thrashed it at the track?". Anyone who goes to the track knows that you don't HAVE to abuse the bike to ride quickly at the track, so it's not that different than a spirited street ride, yet the track always seems to bring up images of flipping bikes and bent frames...

I suppose I can try to locate the parts I need to wire for the track I go to (oil drain, oil fill, radiator fill, oil filter) and just put on those new parts if I ever sell it. Has anyone tried to locate these parts to have for a situation like this?

Drilling holes in the thing just doesn't make me feel good... I think I'd need the replacement parts just to make me feel better.

-- Andy Ruhl (, September 10, 2002


Check with the folks sponsoring your track day. When I went to Road America, I only had to drain the antifreeze (replace with engine ice), put a dab of silicone on the oil filler cap, drain plug, and filter. I removed the fuses for the brake and tail lamp, then taped over the mirrors and lights. I would think most tracks have similar requirements, as they run AMA Superbikes and Indy cars at RA.

-- John Milotzky (, September 10, 2002.

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