Disney Piano Sheet Music ANYONE??? please!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Free Music : One Thread |
Please please please ANYONE that has sheet music for Disney Songs like Part of your world from Little Mermaid, or Belle from Beauty and the Beast or ANYTHING! Please oh please email it to me ASAP... I thank you sooooo much oh my gosh! (I have an audition for a play and I need the music, but I'm broke so I can't buy the book.) Thanks again!
-- Anuhea (anuheajenkins@yahoo.com), August 25, 2002
I go to the public library and get all the free music there is. They have LOTS of music books on Disney and other things like Broadway Musicals, Christian music, and much more.Don't know if this helps, but it sure has helped me when I've had to play for a wedding, and didn't want to invest alot of money on music!
-- Tobbi (tobbid@aol.com), September 24, 2002.