POLISHED Fast by Ferraci Bar Risers FOR SALE!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

These are brand new FBF polished risers that retail for 199.95 Check out all the details !!! http://www.ferracci.com/2002ferracci/race_accessories/clipons.html' No more smashed thumbs, and more comfort for you taller riders! Make me a resonable offer and they're YOURS! I can ship these anywhere in the USA immediately upon receiving your payment....No I'm not a parts dealer, but I don't have any use for these at the moment. Located in the San Francisco / Bay Area of California, USA

-- Val Alparaque (valparaque@aol.com), August 25, 2002


Hival Would you consider sending your bar risers to the uk ?. If so let me know your preferred method of payment and postage,and we can agree a price !! Cheers Robert Stevenson

-- Robert Stevenson (the.stevensons@btinternet.com), September 03, 2002.

Are they still available. Please let me know

-- scott krane (a56healey@yahoo.com), September 06, 2002.

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