A couple MV things for sale...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I've got some MV Agusta things I'm going to sell - my 2000 F4S finally sold the other day.

I will be selling a left side fairing with a few small (less than 3 inches) scratches on the side. Also, a left side mirror that has a small paint defect from the factory, barely noticeable.

In addition, I have MV hats, pins, patches, books, a video, etc...

In there is any interest, shoot me an email...

Thanks, Jeremy

-- Jeremy (jriga@stormcell.com), August 02, 2002


PS - I forgot my prized MV piece that I will sell...

An original MV Agusta triangular flag from their race outside of Spain in the 50's. Pretty cool piece, looks worn, can take a pic if need be...

-- Jeremy (jriga@stormcell.com), August 05, 2002.

do you have any of this stuff still available?

-- Robbie (rpaggen@hotmail.com), December 27, 2002.

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