Bike storage at KL airport : LUSENET : Mountain Bike Hash Forum : One Thread

Does anyone know if it's possible to leave my bike at KL airport for 2 weeks? ie With a provider of storage lockers?

Any help much appreciated.



-- Kimberly Lea (, August 02, 2002


Hi Kimberly

Sorry for the delay in response, but it seemed that the server, on which this forum resides, was down for a few days.

As for the answer to your question: I'll try and find out for you. Will let you know.


-- Joe (, August 14, 2002.


KLIA, as you've found out, is a brand spanking new airport. It does have a left luggage facility, one on Level 3 (main arrival hall) and another on Level 5 (dep. hall).

Charges for bicycles are RM27 per day (AUD1=2.1 Malaysia Ringgit; currency converter).

Suitcases are RM18 per piece. Large boxes will be RM27 also, so no cost savings to be made by boxing the bike. Charges are based on size, and not weight.

You can call the Luggage Counter at +603 8787 4211. The Airport's general line is +603 8777 8888, and its website (which ought to be more informative) is

There's no time limit as to how long you may keep a luggage at their facilities.


-- Joe Adnan (, August 19, 2002.

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