Are carbon airtubes "standard" on a Senna? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I have heard differing accounts. I called the Australian importer and was told the standard carbon is the front mudguard, the triangular piece under the fairing at the front, upper and lower chainguard and the triangular air box covers at the front of the tank (and the end of the airtubes). Any thoughts?

-- Brian Murphy (, August 02, 2002


They might be "standard" but not all Senna bikes have them. mine aren't carbon. looks like MV didn't have all the parts ready and didn't want to delay the bikes any longer so they just put them out. My front fender is carbon but others that my dealer sold weren't and MV is now sending out the carbon replacement to the Senna owners whose bike had the plastic ones. I assume the same will be done for the air tubes

-- TP (, August 02, 2002.

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