greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I have a 2000 F4s red and silver. I need a 1+1 tailsection with pegs subframe ect...., I will trade someone for my solo. If no one wants to trade I will purchase from someone that is selling parts. The wife wont let me ride with out her on the back!!! Thanks Rico

-- Ricardo Leon (ricardo.leon@mail.dss.mil), August 01, 2002


I know how I'd handle that problem, without needing a 1+1 tailsection.

-- john milotzky (jmilotzky@wi.rr.com), August 01, 2002.

Are you still after a 1+1 seat unit? I might be able to help, where abouts are you i'm in Hampshire UK. e-mail me if intrested.

-- malcolm holden (m.holden1@ntlworld.com), August 11, 2002.

I'm looking for tailsection 2, if u have any info please let me know.... Tnx


-- tailsection (ufcracing@msn.com), August 13, 2002.

I have a year 2000 F4 red and silver. I need a 1+1 tailsection with pegs subframe does anybody know how this can be modified to carry two people as my son doesnt like me having to borrow a mates bike , this would be a craking surprise for him ??

-- alex kennedy (alexgkennedy@v21mail.co.uk), October 11, 2002.

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