Raver peeps at Dook

greenspun.com : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread

Hey everyone,

Im a student at Dook who just moved here from Canada. So far I have not found any really good raves or raver peeps to go with. Are there any good raves around Chapel Hill/Dook or anyone who would be interested in showing a canuck the ropes around here. Feel free to reply. P.L.U.R.

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2002


If you want party info go to www.spins.us/forum we are a tight nitched family with open arms to any TRUE electronic music lovers. Please join in the fun and my name is candiebabee on the board :)

Hit me up on AIM @ GHA71877 and we can chit chat :)

MUAHZ! Jen <3

-- Anonymous, October 14, 2002

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