Kentlands pictures on Word : LUSENET : Kentlands : One Thread |
All the pictures from the photographic essay on the arts page of Word Worth at were taken in Kentlands.
-- M H Perry (, July 29, 2002
I *love* the pics! I always wondered what the name of those trees were. Tks!
-- Nancy Millman (, July 30, 2002.
There is an article about roses in the columns page of Word Worth at All of the pictures were taken in the Kentlands. Some of the roses are mine, some are neighbors'. [You don't need to click the back link; you will automatically be sent back to the place in the article which you left.] In addition, on the arts page are pictures by Darin Boville who has a shop on Main Street.Last month's column is still available on the Archives page and is about people our editor knew and worked with who were lost in the Twin Towers.
-- Marion Perry (, October 02, 2002.