The Legend (reposted for your enjoyment) : LUSENET : Fantasy Iota : One Thread

As I advanced the stair,

Evil voices called “BEWARE!”

“Have I courage nuff to dare?”

Shouted I,

‘twas a lie.

Silence echoed my response.

The haughty racket of silence, and nothing more.

“Now ye must commence” I muttered,

“Thou hast not good intents” they uttered,

Neverless, shrouding shadow I puttered,

Puttered toward the chain-linked door.

“Among the multitude of ages,

Yon sword sealed within by sages,

‘twere wise, protective mages,

From whose magic it was forged.”

Thus wrote the placard upon the door.

Reading this I merely shrugged, and pried open thine door.

Said I: “ ’tis but a legend, a forgotten tale of yore.

Only this, and nothing more.”

As I hastened, stomach turning,

Whilst my precious cull was yearning,

Yearning to drink from power.

Power from yon master sword.

Luck herself had wandered aft,

As I fingered guilded shaft.

Blade and hand begun to graft,

And power, horrible power rose inside me like none before.

A quick tug against the hilt,

And ancient steel began its tilt.

Then light, blue light emerged from nil,

And I unsheathed yon master sword.

As I stood there, quite unyielding

To the power I was wielding,

My screams echoed through the ceiling,

Reverberating to the floor.

-Then silence, deadly silence.

Nothing more…

I speak to thou as a spirit wandering,

Many nights I’ve spent pondering,

Pondering the intricacies of yon sword.

My mortal shell is wrecked with haunting,

As holy sword returns undaunting,

Returns to it's pedestal to spend forevermore.

The sleep of it shall be eternal,

Curse then, my thoughts infernal!

Thou shalt be tempted and FRAUGHT!!!

Fraught with yon master sword!

Sleeping forevermore…

-- Davey Rootbeer (, July 20, 2002


Enjoyable even the second time around.

-- ArchPyro (, July 20, 2002.

It seems to have the same concepts as the Raven. Which is cool, because the raven is the coolest poem of all time, in fact, i have it mesmerized.

-- FC (, July 21, 2002.

lol, it is the same theme as "the raven", while retaining the viewpoint of a ghose from the Legend of Zelda..

As I am fond of calling it:

A POEm written by a POE in the style of POE

and you probably mean memorized..."mesmerized" means being entranced by something...

-- Davey Rootbeer (, July 21, 2002.

i know, i just clicked the post button before i noticed my error. Don't critisize me though, I went to bed at 5:00am four nights ago and woke up at 10:30, then went to bed at 4:00am three nigh ago and got up at 8:00, then yesterday i had to move all my furniture down the street into a new house. and, i had to tug a 200 pound king size matress three blocks with my dad. I had been moving furniture all day, then went to bed at 2:00am then had to get up at 7:00am and drive down to san antonio to move stuff out of my sisters apartment to austin then i went to bed at 2:00am, and had to get up today at 9:00am to move stuff out of my garage, then i made the post where i said mesmerized instead of memorized, and moved more stuff out of my garage, and then came back online and posted this. So, i'm a little tired, insane, and unconsious, so that's why i spelt memorized as mesmorized.

-- FC (, July 21, 2002.

Very good, Davey...I like it quite a bit. And I appreciate your criticism on my own story and I will take it into concideration.

-- Dawn (, July 21, 2002.

*whiiiistle* Damn good. THIS is what creepy narratives should be about... I'd be insulted by the hack piece of fiction that preceded this, if I were you. -- Davey! (, July 21, 2002.

This isnt me...aparently there's another poster by the name of Davey...i can say that i did enjoy your story, though, Dawn....keep up the good work...

-- Davey Rootbeer (, July 24, 2002.

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