: LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I just purchased a used 2002 MV agusta F4 with 800 miles, I took it out for the fist time and I noticed that the chain is very loose, and I was wondering if this bike really has 800 miles on it.. plz let me know if anyone have change a chain on got it adjusted at or around 800 miles
-- gm (, July 08, 2002
Hi, Just to let you know, I bought a new 2002 MV and adjusted the chain about the 4 or 500 mile mark and again around 1,000. It is normal for a new chain to strech. Kevin Orlando.
-- Kevin Warner (, July 08, 2002.
This is probably not unusual. Ensure you are measuring slack right though.Another contributing factor on these is that they use 520 chains, which are smaller than the mostly standard 530. This means they may stretch just a bit more.
-- Andy Ruhl (, July 08, 2002.