Central of Georgia Fire Bucket

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I have found (not purchased) a cone shaped fire bucket with C. of Ga. stamped in the side of the metal. I found it in my mothers garage in Goodwater, AL. which is on the C of G Alabama Division main where there use to be a depot. (The depot is still there, just moved from the original location). Is there any way for me to find out how much this bucket might be worth? How rare or common it is, especially with the specific railroad stamp in the metal? Anyone I can call or email directly to pose the question? Any help is greatly appreciated. BTW, it'll look great in my new den up against the original brick outside wall.

-- Dale E. Burns (burns186@bellsouth.net), July 03, 2002



I don't have any idea to the value of your fire bucket. You might check e-bay, as those kinds of artifacts are sometimes listed. Some people will list their item for sale with an extremely high reserve price (maybe $1,000.00) and just see how high the bidding goes. That would give you a general idea of what someone might be willing to pay for it. Of course, if no one meets your $1,000.00 reserve price, you don't have to sell it!

Also, there is a large railroadiana show in Atlanta on Saturday, August 17. If you're in that area, you might want to bring it by the show. The CGRHS will have a table and there will be other railroadiana dealers there also. Someone is likely to be able to give you a estimate on its value.

Allen Tuten

-- Allen Tuten (allen@cofg.org), July 03, 2002.

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