Think you own your email, might need to think again? : LUSENET : CountrySide Family : One Thread

I found this article very informative about Email, it raised issues that I had not considered.

MIT article at "You may think you’re entitled to an e-mail address because you’ve religiously paid some Internet service provider your monthly subscription fee for years. That’s not the case. Your provider can cancel your e-mail account for any reason and bounce your e-mail. Or it can give your username—and your e-mail!—to somebody else. Or it can lock you out of your account and read your e-mail without your permission. (Having owned a small Internet service provider since 1995, I know well the responsibilities and dilemmas that come with this awesome power.)"

-- BC (, June 29, 2002


Yikes- one more thing to put on my paranoia list.:) I held out for so many years before going to e-mail and now this. Thanks for posting it B.C.

-- Kathy Aldridge (, June 29, 2002.

"In the 21st century, having your own domain name is simple electronic self-defense. Alas, many people find it easier to be sheep."

So, anyone have their own domain name?

-- Patty (, June 29, 2002.

Yes, we have five. Why is it considered 'self defense'?

-- Earthmama (, June 29, 2002.

I have three but don't understand the self defense thing either. Why is that self defense?

-- Kathy Aldridge (, June 29, 2002.

Okay, so why have even ONE domain name? And how do you go about getting one??

-- Bren (, June 29, 2002.

Bren, we have the domain names for our business: Beckoning, & So far I haven't set up the websites but I've got the names registered so when I get around to it they'll be available.I don't have any idea how they would eliminate the threat of getting canceled or lossing my accounts. I hope someone will explain since it would be something to know. We just did a search to see that the name wasn't already taken,paid the money & got the names registered-it's really easy. E- mail me if you want more help getting your own domain.

-- Kathy Aldridge (, July 01, 2002.

Kathy, what's the average cost? And is it yearly or one time only?

-- Bren (, July 01, 2002.

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