MV.....what a bike! : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

A few pics of my MV from Australia.......2000 F4....the love affair continues..... Pete




-- Pete Hughes (, June 24, 2002


I think that's the most cooked I've ever seen one of those Michelins. Not many people use those over here though, the US is mostly a Dunlop place.

You should try the Dragon Evo Corsas that come on the newer bikes. From what I hear they stick better. Mine are slightly greasy right at the beginning of the ride, but after a few corners are hooked right up and ready to go. Very stable, yet not very high effort in turning either. I'd buy them again.

Then again, I've yet to do a track day on them so that's the real test...

-- Andy Ruhl (, June 24, 2002.

Hi Andy..... I like the Michelins a lot.......I'm a rider who doesn't get massive lean as I tend to hang off the bike, and I think the profile of the rear helps my riding style...{v type profile} I've had Evo Corsas on my old 748 and they were fine......yet to try them on MV. The Michelins were on the bike when I bought it, so I'm still undecided whether to switch to Pirellis......I have an enormous amount of confidence in the Pilots though..... I think most tyres these days are fantastic....comes down to personal preference I guess.


-- Pete Hughes (, June 25, 2002.

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