should i bring my bike? : LUSENET : Mountain Bike Hash Forum : One Thread |
I am traveling to KL and will be there for the 06-30-02 bash and I would really like to ride with you guys. I live in Albuquerque NM. and the pictures of the trails on your site are INCREDIBLE!!! My question is should I pack my bike and bring it with or is it possible to rent one there? Please write me back at the above email address with a little of your professional knowledge. I fly out of NM on 6-23-02. Thanks so much. eric #38
-- Eric Linterman (, June 20, 2002
It is possible to rent one here. Bike Pro Center, a local shop, usually has a few bikes to rent. These are decent bikes, but they're a bit dog-eared. You can check out the website at or you can give the proprietor, Boon Foo, a call on +603 7805 1989.But it's much more gratifying to bring your own bike, and as far as I know airlines do not charge extra for bicycles on international flights. Provided, of course, your baggage is not overweight.
-- Joe (, June 23, 2002.