Senna vs. : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I rode a Senna today, and felt it was smoother, and a little more nimble than my 1+1. Both are 2002's. The Senna has a 38T rear sprocket on it. My 1+1 is stock. The Senna engine seemed less "mechanical" in feel, tighter. I'm not sure if it's just it's looks playing mind games, or there really are some differences. Comments?
-- Larry Nipon (, June 16, 2002
Larry,Nimbleness, if that is a word, may be attributable to the 180 section rear tire of the Senna. I'm surprised the Senna has a 38T... 'thought stock was 41; nonetheless, this too may have contributed to your intuitive and accurate assessment.
Yours, with a hill-climbing 43 teeth,
Mike Meyer
-- Mike Meyer (, June 17, 2002.