MSRP in the states : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I'm in Holland and going tomorrow to do the paperwork on my new F4. What is the going price in the states. I'm just wondering if it would be better to wate and by the bike at home. Here the black F4 is $18378.09 and the SPR is $19115.18. Any help would be greatly appreciated

-- scott armstrong (, June 14, 2002


If that quote is U.S. $, you did just fine. I got my 1+1 for 18,375 here in the states.

-- Larry Nipon (, June 14, 2002.

Get the SPR! I don't think they've even made it over here yet. That is a really awesome deal.

-- Andy Ruhl (, June 14, 2002.

Scott, I am in Bamberg Germany and a shop here is ordering me an MV F4 and it sells here for 18,675 Euro so about 17,000. dollars and It will be even less than that due to me getting it tax free. I just sold a Ducati 996 and was going to get a new 998 but the MV is lighter and has more HP and it is only a 750CC. Keep in touch and we can meet up some where here in Europe and hit some curves. I will be stationed here untill 2005.

Matt Outten - Cambridge, Maryland

-- matt outten (, June 16, 2002.

Scott, Can you import the bike to the US when you are returning home? Are there any differences in european spec bikes and US spec bikes? anyone? Beuller?

-- Carlo Pagni (, June 17, 2002.


I will keep in touch so we can meet up. Do you know when your bike will be delivered? I just talked to the dealership this morning and he is taking my bike off of the show room floor and putting it in the back till I come get it. Man am I excited.


Since I'm in the military my bike will get shipped as house hold goods and there is no problem. As far as any differences I was told by the dealer that they are all the same. He said the speedometer changes from KPH to MPH on all bikes and no other mods are made to US bikes vs. European bikes.

-- Scott Armstrong (, June 18, 2002.

Getting a SPR in holland is almost impossible as I know people that have ordered one in jan 2000 and stil haven't got it!!!! A senna is much easier although only 300 made! I know one in "nieuw vennep" on stock!

-- hb (, June 24, 2002.


Is the MV you are buying a European spec bike or US? I was seriously looking into purchasing a 2000 F4s that was a European spec bike that was supposed to go to the Czech Republic, but it turned out to be way too much trouble to make it legal for the street here in the US. The model you are buying may indeed match the specs for a US bike, but I would check it out first with Ferraci, the US importer. To get a european spec bike legal for the US it must match all the specs of a US bike. You need a letter from the manufacturer verifying this if you want to register it here in the US. I could not get such a letter from the US importer. So, to do a conversion would have cost around $10,000. Even with the letter it still would have cost around $7,000. I am not trying to discourage you from buying the bike in Europe, it just might be a little tricky to get it legal in the US.

If nothing else, buy it now and enjoy it in Europe for the next couple of years you are there. Then sell it before you leave.

~Good luck and keep the rubber side down

-- Demetri Poulos (, July 02, 2002.

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