battery connected in wrong way, electric damaged : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hallo, by trying to start the MV of a friend we put plus to ground and minus to plus. Has anyone experience what´s defective now ? Fuse G7 is burned. Nothing is on work. Happy for any response kind regards Helmut

-- Helmut Sevenheck (, May 28, 2002



First, have you re-connected the battery properly, replaced the fuse, and tried to start it? You may have damaged the alternator but hopefully you just blew a fuse and your OK.


-- Todd Mazzola (, May 28, 2002.

its not too bad. the diode in the cable-tree fizzled out. costs 50cents en a bit of fiddling.

-- Rob (, July 25, 2002.

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