where to buy HunterxHunter vcds in Singapore

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am finding HunterxHunter part1 & part2 vcds in singapore.Anybody have saw the vcds, please direct me the place selling.I appreciate your help.

-- Raymond Lee (magicden@singnet.com.sg), May 21, 2002


Hi Raymond, I seen HunterXHunter being sold at a video store called Heng Heng Video Library The address is: Blk 682, Hougang Ave 4, #01-320, Singapore 530682 Besides Hunter, there's quite an impressive collection of anime. I believe, usually, the average price is about $3 per disk.

Best regards, Gabriel

-- Gabriel (gbrlno@yahoo.com), July 13, 2002.

Raymond lee hav you find the vcd yet??? if u did can tell me if there is anymore left there?? i also wan to buy the vcd buy cant find anywhere in singapore!!

-- Dexter (dextersuper@hotmail.com), July 15, 2002.

in toa payoh central also have. pretty confirmed cos i got the 3rd set of vcds there.

-- bea (the_beausm@yahoo.com), December 31, 2002.

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