Performance chip vs. stock : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Can anyone decribe the changes in the characteristics of the bike pre and post chip and pipe upgrade? I'm especially interested in the low rpm drivability, since I found a chipped senna was a bit "logey" at the lower rpm's. I also understand the 2002 (mine) has had that corrected to some extent. Feedback?

-- Larry Nipon (, May 21, 2002


From closed throttle to slightly open at idle or low rpm (maybe below 3k), the pipe and chip are a bit rougher than stock. Sometimes I get a big "cut out" that requires more throttle to get out of.

However, from small throttle openings to big throttle openings, the bike is much cleaner and runs smoother. I'd recommend it.

Can't comment on your 2002, I have a 2001 (just purchased new left over in Feb.). Hopefully when Allan and I get together maybe we can compare. He has a silver 2002.

-- Andy Ruhl (, May 21, 2002.

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