Anyone have a headlamp glass for sale? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I know that this may be an odd question, but I am just under 2000 miles of semi-aggressive riding with the fellas and noticed that I must have taken a good size rock to the headlamp glass. It has a hole that went through where the rock made impact as well as a little bit of spider cracking.

If anyone has one for sale please notify me via e-mail? I can only imagine what the dealer is going to charge for this piece and how long it will take to get here. Thanks.

-- Pete Golding, Jr. (, May 19, 2002


Yeah, that part is about $140. Another guy who posts here had his break the same way. I figured it would be way more than that. Considering that the plastic lens cover for my R1 cost like $80, $140 ain't all that bad. Parts seem to be coming quickly from MV if they have them in stock.

-- Andy Ruhl (, May 19, 2002. have a headlight cover (I know it's to late for that) which is about USD$30.

-- Matt Thompson (, May 20, 2002.

Thanks for the replies. Andy, I was anticipating at least $200 for the glass and a friend of mine said he was expecting $450, which I thought seemed very high. I can live with $140, that is not too bad and like you said, a plastic one for an R1 is $80, the $140 is not really out of line. Matt, thanks for the headlight cover link. I am going to look into getting one once I install the new headlamp glass.

-- Pete Golding, Jr. (, May 20, 2002.

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