Help! What should I give up? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I just got a hold of a mint motor (new one) and a 35 asph lux for great prices. Something has to go, but what????I have 2 mint 50 crons with focusing tabs old style. The chrome one is rare as I have been told, the black is the anniversary edition one with the engravings 1913-1983. I have an M3 9XXXX with the V style lugs in mint- condition. I also have an M6 wetzler with engravings chrome mint boxed. I just can't decide what to let go of. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

-- John Abela (, May 16, 2002



-- roger michel (, May 16, 2002.

No, not food. You'll become to weak to fondle your equipment ( oops! Did I say that out loud ? ). Sell one of your children, if you have any. Keep your gear and your vitality intact.

-- Marc Williams (, May 16, 2002.

If that fails, I hear the Devil is now accepting leases on souls in lieu of outright purchase (be sure to read the fine fine fine print).

-- Charles (, May 16, 2002.

You can't use the motor on the M3, it's not over 1,000,000. Sell it. The anniversary Cron is most valuable with the anniversary M4-P it came with, sell it to someone who has one. The M6 is probably due for a CLA, has a less-sensitive meter and non-blinking diodes. Sell it to someone more concerned with its engravings than its function. Then find a nice, mint M6TTL that someone's giving away because they've just got to have an M7 *NOW*.

-- Jay (, May 16, 2002.

If you're short of the folding suff, there are many ways to ease the situation. An old married couple once found themselves in financial straits and decided that they should try to make money by the wife going out on the streets. So off she went that evening.

When she returned the next morning, the husband asked: "How much did you get, dear?"

"$305," she replied proudly.

"$305? What tight-wad only gave you $5?" he asked indignantly.

She replied: "They all did!"

-- Ray Moth (, May 16, 2002.

As a life-long M3 guy, I've hunted carefully for a flaw in Jay's reasoning. There isn't one.................

-- david kelly (, May 16, 2002.

Get rid of those special edition scrons if you can get real good prices for them

-- Karl Yik (, May 17, 2002.

Hello John. If you can't decide easily what to let go of it means you should be keeping the lot.If I were you I'd be looking for a nice supplementary 35mm viewfinder for the M3 as a partner for that 'Lux.

-- Sheridan Zantis (, May 17, 2002.

Well John, I don't think it's by coincidence that you have so much (more or less) collectible models. Also, you probably know how much each of them is worth. So my take is this: just decide how much $$ you need and sell the one which is most likely to bring this sum of money.

-- Andrew (, May 18, 2002.

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