For Sale: "Leica M Advanced School of Photography" Hardcover : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Yesterday I was given as a present a book I already own, and I thought other Leica users might wish to have it. It's "Leica M: The Advanced School of Photography", a hardback edition published in 1986. It covers the alpha and omega of Leica M photography and history, from M2 through the M6, and features many color and black+white examples. Informative and impressive. Very good condition. Please email your best offer and I'll get back to you.

-- Gulley Jimson (, May 16, 2002


i presume this is the Osterloh book? Other than binding problems, the undisputed best of the leica genre?

(plugging for you, I have a copy. really is the best, and the only source for some technical things, like M frame lines versus field at various distances.)

-- l smith (, May 16, 2002.

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