Anyone have pictures of a Red/Silver : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I am considering the purchase of a F4 1+1. All of the pictures I have been able to find online are of the all-silver 1+1 model. Does anyone have a link to pictures of the other color scheme, the traditional red/silver, in a 1+1 model? Thanks.
-- Steve Burns (, May 13, 2002
Check out my MV Agusta F4 Resource Page. Under the pictures section, I have some 1+1 red/silver photos.
-- Det Ansinn (, May 13, 2002.
Go to Lots of red/silver 1+1 pics...........action and stills.Pete
-- Peter hughes (, May 14, 2002.
try for my red/silver 1+1
-- Matt Thompson (, May 16, 2002.