Be Sure And Take The Poll At The New : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
Be sure and take the poll at the new site. Please vote whether you think we should move the forum now or wait. I'm leaving the decision up to you all! I am up for whatever you want to do.Notice: Before voting you MUST log in.
-- Karen (, May 11, 2002
Why not leave both sites open and let participants decide by participation. When your lusenet board slips off the most active list, its a good sign the party is over. Plus, no one can say they are being "herded" to the new board.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, May 12, 2002.
So far no one has said to stay here. Everyone wants to make the move. The main reason is it is too difficult to have things going in 2 differant places - especially since so many go between the other forums.
-- Karen (, May 12, 2002.
Hi Karen, My vote is to MOVE. Completely and immediately. Shut this site down and leave a note for anyone new strolling in. I e-mailed you privately at the hotmail address you use on this forum.
-- NoOne'sHere (, May 12, 2002.
I think that it's best to close this one as it would be less work for you. It looks like everyone is adjusting well the the other one. For others, change is intimidating so we will be patient with them and coax them along. I like the fact that, over there, we don't have any foolish or hurtful comments from foolish or hurtful people.
-- Ardie/WI (, May 13, 2002.
Well said, Ardie.I'm all for freedom of speech but not when it means trampling over someone's else's rights. One of the first requirements of freedom is the ability to rule over oneself. Those who can't usually end up finding someone else doing it for them.
-- NoOne'sHere (, May 13, 2002.
I was going to post a recipe here, but I guess I'll put it on Countrystyle instead. The new sight is too slow to suit me.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, May 14, 2002.