FD 200mm f/1.8 L

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

Have you never seen ( or USED !!) it ? Do you think it is so good, so better than the 2.8 one ??? Would you spend so much money for it ?

-- Francesco (frabidcb@tin.it), May 10, 2002


The 200 f/1.8 L in FD mount was introduced AFTER its equivalent in the EF mount, at the end of 1988, so it's probably optically the same lens, without the AF module. In that case it's one of the sharpest 35mm lenses ever produced. It's probably sinificantly better than the f/2.8 version, but also a lot bigger and heavier. It is also quite rare, since the FD system was discontinued shortly after its introduction. Whether it's worth the money - you have to decide for yourself.


-- Peter Langfelder (peter.langfelder@sunysb.edu), June 04, 2002.

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