Boers & Nubian for sale/trade in south-central : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
For sale:2, 7/8 Boer does - color correct, registered, exposed to registered, FB buck $200/ea $350/pair - includes service memos.
7/8 Boer buckling - color correct (nice, dark red head), bottle raised (CAE prevention), total sweetheart & built like a tank. Good prospect for commercial herdsire. $175
- or $500 for all 3. Buckling is not related to either doe or the buck they were exposed to.
Unregistered, spotted Nubian milker. Very pretty but not show quality. $175
I will consider trading the Boers for quality dairy does. Need not be registered or show quality but I'm not interested in udders dragging on the ground or tired, old ladies ready for retirement - & health is a must. I'm collecting some goats for a friend in WI who's starting a dairy & she's coming in a couple weeks, so if this is something you'd like to discuss w/ me, please email privately, ASAP!
We'll have some registered, % babies & a couple more % does for sale, as they are weaned/kid/etc. Please email me for more details, pictures, etc.
All babies are raised on CAE Prevention program. Abcess-free & certified TB-free herd in south-central Michigan.
Sarah Sanders Lost Nation Naturals "tri-state" area of MI/IN/OH
-- Sarah Sanders (, May 10, 2002