Annuals good for sunny location with clay soil? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Anybody know of annual flowers that like dry, clay soil, with bright sun?
-- Christina (, May 08, 2002
Zinnias did well for me in our clay soil in Central Texas.
-- mary (, May 08, 2002.
-- Cindy in IL (, May 08, 2002.
In a word Periwinkles! They occupy such a spot in my yard every year.
-- Debbie in MO (, May 08, 2002.
there you are Stan! LOL As to the annuals, there is a long list, the above mentioned ones, Cosmos(ther will reseed for you), Daisys of many species. Check with your Extension Service, they can help. Clay soil is rich in nutrients, just needs to be broken up a bit. I use the shavings from my duck pens. Have fun, LQ
-- Little Quacker in OR (, May 08, 2002.
I fought red muck when we lived in VA for 6 yrs. The ground was so hard that first summer. Nothing planted did well, be it veggies or flowers. The only thing that did well were weeds and green peppers. If you water them then the muck turns muddy and then it retains too much water.In the sun the soil tends to crack.
I finally realized why the early colonials built brick house, not because there were pretty and like the brick house in the 3 pigs, but because it was pleantiful. Besides red muck makes good bricks.
I put pig, goat and cow manure on the garden spot for 2 yrs, it really helped.
-- Bernice (, May 08, 2002.
Marigolds and pansys did well for my mother on California adobe soils, with temps in the hundreds every summer.
-- Terri (, May 08, 2002.
When you say 'dry', does that mean you won't be watering at all and not much rainfall? Or daily watering? Hard to say what's best without knowing those details. Marigolds don't do very well without good watering. Poppies, daisies, sunflowers, zinnias handle it good.
-- Dave (, May 08, 2002.
Don't forget bulbs of all kinds. Daffodils, jonquils, grape hyacinth, bluebells, whatever. As others said above, work organic material into the soil, then use more organic material (even just straw or mouldy hay or manure) as a mulch. Sheep manure as a mulch is miraculous - works as a mulch, and feeds nutrients into the soil as well. Goat or rabbit manure could also be used that way. The worms will work this all through the soil (that mulch is keeping the soil cool and damp enough for them) and pretty soon you'll have six inches or so of rich heavy soil, instead of four inches of baked mud brick.Hot and dry describes a lot of Africa as well. There are many bulbs that come from Africa (sparaxis, ixias, others). Oh, yes - don't forget the onion family - some of them can be OK, and chives with their blue flowers or garlic chives with purple (the ones I've seen anyway) are quite attractive.
-- Don Armstrong (from Australia) (, May 09, 2002.
Nasturtiums would be my choice. They tolerate poorer soils, thrive on neglect and the blossoms are edibe. CindyD
-- cdries (, May 09, 2002.
-- kathy h (, May 09, 2002.