Missouri landgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Just discovered this resource. I am interested in buying 20-40 acres in Missouri ozarks. only criteria are beauty, price and good water with ability to drill well(I saw from previous posts about the poor soil quality, lack of jobs, etc.) Grateful for information about honest good folks who sell such land, land companies, agents, individuals, etc.thanks much Jay
-- jay (ascsn@attbi.com), May 08, 2002
I know of a place near Alton that is for sale. Email me offline, please, and I will give you details. It is not my property, but is near some I just bought.
-- Rose (open_rose@hotmail.com), May 08, 2002.
Ozarkland.com has some chunks of land that you can browse through online.
-- Bethany (bethany@nospam.com), May 08, 2002.
Jay, It really depends on where you're at...I for example have beautiful soil on my place, but it was pastureland for years prior to us buying it. Bottom land of course usually has great soil around here. I live about 40 minutes north of the Arkansas border, and while I think it gets prettier and prettier the further south you go that way, the soil gets more and more rocky and full of clay. Northern MO has better soil, but higher prices. I'd sell you my place but it has a house on it and just 18 acres.Try http://morealestate.net
-- CJ (sheep@katahdins.net), May 09, 2002.
Ozarkland.com (Woods & Waters Realty) is interesting to look at, but i've heard that a lot of their land is undesirable (although they make everything sound great). So be careful!
-- jollyapple (cnadiedastoria@aol.com), May 10, 2002.