Crafting Hint of the Day - Sewing Children's Clothes to Help Them Know the Back from the : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
When sewing small chidren's clothing, use a wide satin stitch at the top of the back seams. They know that this is the back & can dress properly. On the T-shirts, the ribbing seam is always center back. They know to "feel" for the bump in the fabric.
-- Karen (, May 08, 2002
I found a package of buttons that have kitty faces on them. I sewed them to the frount of all my little girls pants so she could tell the frount. I sewed one to the frount of the tops where it would fit in. She loved this-of course, she LOVES cats.
-- Kelly (, May 08, 2002.
What a great idea, Kelly!
-- Karen (, May 08, 2002.
Another idea is to fold a small piece of ribbon in half (length-wise) and sew the cut ends in the waist band. You'll end up with a little loop of ribbon to mark the back.
-- Bren (, May 08, 2002.