florida panhandlegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hiya, interested in buying small parcel (5-15 acres) in the florida panhandle, inland away from ocean (cheaper). Anyone have any thoughts on specifics?Thanks Scott
-- scott chandra (scott12@cabbit.net), May 07, 2002
Scott, I bought mine in Alford, near Chipley, from a guy named Frank Pierce. If you want more contact info, email me.
-- Sue (sulandherb@aol.com), May 07, 2002.
Hy I know Frank Pierce have for many years!! He is a honest guy in my book! Nice area Chipply!! The Florida Mountains LOL!!Met him workin in Florida years ago!! Check him out he sells land!!Grizz!
-- Grizz Wondering the outskirts of DC!! (southerneagle@yahoo.com), May 07, 2002.
Glad to offer this advice: Been living in the panhandle since 198. If and when I'm ready to buy a homestead I'm gonna contact St. Joe Arvida (call 411) out of Tallahassee. That company has been in the logging/forestry business since the early part of the 1900's and currently owns over 1/2 the private land in the panhandle. Recently they have been selling off a good deal of timber/ag land so they can venture out into the retirement village construction aspect of development (unfortunatley that is turning all our nice quiet coastal communities into expensive beach front homesites) anyway... St. Joe is selling land in the Chatahoochee area, 40 miles West of Tallahassee for about $2K an acre. Friend of mine bought 100 acres, timbered it right away and then used the profits to pay for 1/2 of his original investment. Since he was looking for pasture land anyway for his horses, it was a great deal for him. I have heard of several stories lately about the same kind of great deal.I'm in no way promoting St. Joe... only passing along what has worked very well for others.
Cheers - otter in tally...
-- otter360 (kitchen@eng.fsu.edu), May 07, 2002.
Hi, I have to recommend Frank Pierce too, bought my land off of him 4 years ago,I've found me ah home in the mountains of NW FLA. Daryll
-- Daryll in NW FLA (twincrk@hotmail.com), May 07, 2002.
I remember seeing that guys ads when I lived near Dothan, Ala and that was quite a few years ago. He always seemed to have some really good deals. Used to pass through there alot going to Panama City. The florida panhandle beaches put the east and west coast beaches to shame.
-- Dave (multiplierx9@hotmail.com), May 07, 2002.