Any good uses for ticks? (the Missouri variety) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Spring is here and so are the ticks!!! I was just wondering if anyone has found any creative uses for these critters? They are one of Missouri's abundant natural resource's. It would be a shame if we couldn't find a good use for them . I was thinking Tick necklaces?? Doug....
-- Doug (, May 06, 2002
They can tap out a pretty good beat when placed on the wood heater.
-- joj (, May 06, 2002.
Chicken and ginny hen food
-- Patty {NY State} (, May 06, 2002.
Earrings. You wouldn't even need to have pierced ears. Just stick one on each earlobe, and they'll stay there for the longest time! :-)
-- Cheryl in KS (, May 06, 2002.
Yeah, and if you don't like the size, just wait a while and they will get bigger!
-- r.h. in okla. (, May 06, 2002.
if you find a good use for them --I have a ton I'll send you!! Here in NC we have all sizes --and a couple of different colors that range from greenish/gray to brownish/red!
-- Debbie T in N.C. (, May 07, 2002.
Ditto New Jersey...lots of Lyme to boot!
-- Nina (, May 07, 2002. when ripe, place on canvas, aggressively stomp...sorta a Jackson Pollack kinda thing, but earthier.
eeeeeeew. ;)
-- Patty (, May 07, 2002.
hmmm... perhaps .. if you can figure out how to do something with them like hot lix, the sucker company that makes the worm lollies and all... of course they coul;d be used as small scale leeches... hmmm.... thinking here.... how about , i know, wild guinea food :) thats where all our ticks are going!
-- Beth in ND (, May 07, 2002.
Hey Doug...when my kids used to find them after they had swollen up and fallen off the dog, they would have a contest to see who could squirt the blood inside the farthest....I really need to get the kids some toys or something...LOL! The only good tick is a dead tick, as far as I'm concerned! Harmony
-- Harmony (, May 07, 2002.