Waterloo,NY Show

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Will anyone be attending the Waterloo show in Ny on May 11th??? Its my first time going to a show, I am wondering what exactly I do?? Do I have to be there at a specific time even though I will not be showing any rabbits?? If anyone is going that has Holland or English lops please let me know as I am looking for a doe. Should I be able to buy one there?? *Sorry this is all very knew to me* One more question... Could someone please tell me how old both a buck and doe must be before you can breed them? Thanks again. Stacey Hahn Central NY

-- Stacey Hahn (alexis2169luv@yahoo.com), May 06, 2002


You had me excited because we have a Waterloo here in NJ, all well. I usually like to wait until my does are a year old so I know they are mature enough inside. I found that I usually lost a first litter from young, new moms.

-- Dee (gdgtur@goes.com), May 06, 2002.

Thanks Dee for the info. Whats your opinion with the bucks?? Same or no?

-- Stacey Hahn (alexis2169luv@yahoo.com), May 06, 2002.

Bucks can be bred at any age above 6 months. Sometimes, they will be willing to try early as 3 months, but they arent always sucessful at that age. As far as show up time for shows: things usually (here, at least!) get rolling at 9 AM (showing rabbits begins at that time). Its a good idea- if not showing- not to show up too early, unless you are buying stock, because it gets pretty chaotic with everyone bring stock in and registering, that visitors are likey to get trampled. If you are buying stock, get there at 7 and get the best ones before they hit the tables. If buying stock: never buy without several other breeders opinions on that rabbit. Dont buy a rabbit that has soft bowels or looks sick!!! Lops are all good, but, if you are looking for a pet, i might suggest Mini rex, as they are generally more friendly in nature (and I have owned MANy different breeds before getting settled on Mini rex and satins). Best of luck- ask plenty of questions, and just pay attention to what the judges are saying. Buy the bet stock you can if you plan on showing: that 5 dollar bunny wont be worth your time, and will only be dissapointing in the long run!

-- Kevin in NC (Vantravlrs@aol.com), May 07, 2002.

Thanks for the helpful info Kevin. I am not getting a rabbit for showing, and thank god as I know absoulutely nothing about it. :) I already have a Holland Lop Buck and am interested in getting the doe. I want to ask a question regarding something you posted.. You said to make sure I get other breeders opinion about a rabbit first?? How do I do that?? (DUH I KNOW) I can't take someones rabbit and go ask people about it and then bring it back right?? Sorry to sound so silly but I honestly have no idea how I am sopossed to do that??? Please help this poor girl out... Ha ha... Thanks again in advance.. I need ALL the help I can get.

-- Stacey Hahn (alexis2169luv@yahoo.com), May 07, 2002.

A friend of mine told me that after the show she was at, a man was selling a buck that came in second for $3, papers and all. He said it wasn't worth keeping if it didn't come in first. Sometimes you can get an older doe that doesn't win.

-- Dee (gdgtur@goes.com), May 07, 2002.

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