How do you remove the egsaust : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Hi,how can the egsaust tips be removed? what is the rundown on this? I want to change the look of my black ones to a metalic apperance. Does the whole system have to come off if so please tell me the easyist way to remove it.I hope to start the removal this weekend so please help guys.Thanks.Chas
-- charles richards (, May 06, 2002
The exhaust tips are rivetted on to the silencer box, you will have to remove the silencers (2)to work on them.Removal is straightforward, there is no need to remove the number plate holder, just unbolt the silencers from the rear subframe under the seat and remove the retaining springs where they attach the the two link pipes behind the right footrest, also need t remove the link plate underneath at the rear.
You will have to drill out the rivets on the exhaust tips and then have them polished or whatever you plan to do then rivet them back on.
Hope this helps, I have removed my exhaust many times, I have a SilMoto Titanium exhaust on my F4.
-- Mark Bridger (, May 11, 2002.
-- charles richards (, May 12, 2002.
After you have drilled the old rivets out, don't forget to replace them with 3mm stainless steel ones or they'll rust. I know this responce is very late in coming but I only got a computer this Christmas Regards Steve
-- Stephen Wood (, December 26, 2003.