Wind chime : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
Does any one here know of a place where plans for wind chimes are available? I bet you have seen those big ones made from aluminum pipe with a wooden disc hanging in the middle for a striker. The pipes are cut about a foot or so long and are of varying lenths so as to produce different tones. Thanks!
-- Okie-Dokie (, May 05, 2002
That's a good idea, Okie-Dokie! I'd like to know that also! We have some large ones from Jackson Hole and I love them! Don't know what kind of pipes they are, but they sure are pretty! Hope someone knows about this. :) LQ
-- Little Quacker in OR (, May 07, 2002.
Some folks were kind enough to e-mail an address with all the information any one could need for building wind chimes. Any one intrested should go to
-- Okie-Dokie (, May 07, 2002.