Anyone used a picture window Hova-Bator Incubator before? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I'm planning on buying an incubator and would like some recommendations. The Hova-Bator Incubator looks really nice because it has the big picture window and I'd like for all the kids to be able to watch the chicks hatch. I was thinking of getting the the one with a fan but not a turner because it wouldn't hold as many eggs and I don't mind turning them by hand. What do you think? What have your experiances been?

-- anita in NC (, May 05, 2002


Anita, The HB was my first incubator, many moons ago. I really enjoy hatching chicks, and I now have the large cabinet incubator. I don't ever remember a problem with the incubator, but back then I didn't know from what!

Are you buying direct from mfg? I buy from GQF in Georgia. They manufacture a lot of the hatching equipment you see in various venues. They have one that blows hot air and turns I think? Here is the link tto their online catalog.

-- Judy (, May 05, 2002.

Anita, I'm using the Hova incubator now. I've had it for years. All the eggs both Duck and Chicken hatch in it. So Good Luck. I bought it from our Farm and Country Store in Fulton,NY Priscilla

-- Mountain Ashe Acres Farm (MTASHEACRES@AOL.COM), May 05, 2002.

I have used the same Hova-bator for almost 20 years now. I have had no problems with it and would highly recomend it. Good luck, Vic

-- Vic (, May 05, 2002.

I have the Hova-Bator too, with turbo fan and turner. Ha, I'm sure it's just me, since it keeps perfect temperature, but out of 42 eggs, I got 4 live chicks this time, and 8 last time. LOL

-- CJ (, May 05, 2002.

I also have a Hova.-Bator holds 42 eggs with fan and turner and only average between 18 to 20 chicks when hatching. Would also like to know if I can increase the percentage any.

-- Mary (, May 05, 2002.

hi Anita - I have the version with the peep window instead of the picture window. almost went for picture window but that model draws a little more electricity and I was thinking I might want to operate it off grid. I have both the fan and the turner. I've heard that some have had bad experiences with the turner but I have found it to be useful, not necessary but handy. I haven't run too many eggs through it yet but what I have has had a better hatch rate than some have mentioned here. if I had it to do over again I might go with the picture window as I spent a lot of time in odd positions trying to see what was going on in there. hope this helps.

-- B. Lackie - Zone3 (, May 05, 2002.

Hey Anita, I have one I purchased this past winter but I haven't used it yet. Just wanted to let you know that at that time the best price I found was from Jeffer's Vet in Dothan, AL. Take care neighbor!

-- Mel Carroll in N.C. (, May 08, 2002.

hi all,

i need to know, what exactly am i looking for when candling? i have turkey and chicken eggs in the hova-bator and nothing is happening after 30 days. i know i should wait, and bought a candler, but what am i looking for? thanks for any/all replies geegee

-- geegee (, May 10, 2002.

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