Need Help Finding Grape Kool-Aid Irises : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I would like to know of a source for the old fashioned variety of bearded irises that are supposed to smell like grape Kool-Aid.Any help will be appreciated!

-- Kim Nicholson-West Virginia (, May 05, 2002


Might search or ask about Iris pallida, "the old-fashioned kind of iris with purple/blue/lavender flowers".

-- BC (, May 05, 2002.

Kim, if you are talking about the really light lavender colored iris, I have plenty!! I'm in NW NC. E-mail me if you are interested.

-- Bren (, May 05, 2002.

I have some too. If you can't locate them otherwise let me know and I'll try to dig some for you. I am so glad to hear someone else thinks they smell like Koolaid. When I said that people looked at me kid of funny.

-- Debbie in S IL (, May 05, 2002.

Before reading your post, I wasn't aware that Irises had any odor to them other than a rather unpleasant one. Yet in todays local newspaper it told about a young girl that is a member of our local Iris club. She is currently growing for a Popsicle smelling one. Said that it smells just like them. Interesting.

-- Notforprint (, May 06, 2002.

Does anyone know the correct name for this variety? I have gotten strange looks when I've tried to describe the smell of these irises and no one knows what I mean! I had to leave mine behind when we moved and I do miss them. If you find a source, please let me know too!

-- Jean in IL (, May 07, 2002.

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