What happened with Alexandra & her duck eggs?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
About a week ago Alexandra (16 year old) posted asking for help with duck eggs she rescued. (Mother duck killed.) A few of us tried to help, and she even emailed me personally, with some additional info. I wrote a long letter to her, but since have heard nothing. I'm a little bit concerned because she seemed really upset and was very worried that her parents would make her smash the eggs if they knew about them. She swore she wouldn't do it and seemed very adamant. Has anyone else heard from her? I don't usually get worked up if someone doesn't respond to the replies to their postings, but something about this one has me kind of worried. Don't know why.
-- Deborah Stephenson (wonkaandgypsy@hotmail.com), May 04, 2002
Guess I'll answer my onw question in case anyone cares. She wrote to tell me that all but one hatched 3 days ago. Still hasn't told her parents.
-- Deborah Stephenson (wonkaandgypsy@hotmail.com), May 07, 2002.
Yaaaaay!!!! That's great! Her post also caught my eye, and I wondered...Hope all is well....? I mean the whole situation seems alien to me, but I have tooo many critters! :)
And 16 as well...(shaking head...)
-- Patty (SycamoreHollow@aol.com), May 07, 2002.
Thanks for letting us know what happened. I was wondering also.
-- Pat (hiddentreasuresfarm@hotmail.com), May 08, 2002.