Rave schedule?greenspun.com : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread |
I know this question gets asked all the time, but does anybody know when the the next big raves are? Wouldn't happen to be any at Myrtle Beach the fist week of June, senior week would there? Last rave I went to there were about 1000 or more people there it seemed. That was a great night on E by the way.Thanks.
-- Anonymous, May 04, 2002
May 31st...at te afterdeck...MYRTLE BEACH! wicked ass party! scott henry- d.c dj db-new york, new york mike b-orlando, fl the golden child-atlantic beach, nc funk junkie-raleigh, nc citron-charlotte, nc stone-d-myrtle beach, sc dj dainjah-emerald isle, nc questions? e-mail me. peace out and P*L*U*R
-- Anonymous, May 14, 2002