Radio interference from e-fence pulses? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I would like to know if the electric pulsing from an electric fence causes pulsing static/interference on AM radio?
-- snoozy (, May 04, 2002
Yep, mine affects my CB on certain channels. Its not bad enough to really bug me though.
-- Kevin in NC (, May 04, 2002.
I have a neighbor who calls me when I have a short in the fence across the road from him. His radio picks it up. Once fixed, the radio is fine.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, May 04, 2002.
then there's that annoying pulse action with the low-wattage fluorescent bulbs...took me awhile to make the connection. thought it was either my imagination or a stroke.
-- B. Lackie - Zone3 (, May 04, 2002.
Yes, it makes our radios pop. Also shortens the life of light bulbs in the house.
-- Rose (, May 04, 2002.
Yep ! If I want to know if the fence is ok, I turn on an AM station.
-- Elizabeth Quintana (, May 05, 2002.
If you go with a solar fencer, you won't have the problem!
-- ~Rogo (, May 05, 2002.
So if a solar electric fence does not cause radio interference, then if we were to use a portable car battery type of power source, would that also eliminate the static problem? All you who have reported radio interference -- are your fences direct-wired into your house power?
-- snoozy (, May 06, 2002.