Water overflowing well casinggreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We've recently moved to a waterfront house with a well. Water is good and plentiful, maybe too plentiful. We've just noticed that water is spilling out of the top of our well casing ... the well is about 75' deep ... we have not noticed this before. I'm making the assumption that this is due to higher ground water pressure than what we had experienced in past (artisian?). Is there any reason to be concerned?
-- Steve Falter (sfalter@bright.net), May 03, 2002
Steve,Ten years ago when I first moved in I had the same problem in the spring. I called the well company. They checked to see if pump was running continuously and it was not - seemed to be functioning normally, so they could also rule out broken pipe, and they told me everything was OK as the top was sealed (nothing was going back into the well, all the pressure was outward) and they had a term (which I can no longer remember) for the condition. It has only happened that 1 spring (a pretty wet spring if I remember correctly) and I haven't noticed it since, though I look every year. All they basically did was take the cover off, look, listen and charge me a lot. Hope this is also your problem. Good luck!
-- Debbie in IL (debbie@fli-soft.com), May 03, 2002.
Steve, most public health departments will test well water either for free or very low cost. you pick up the container and they give directions for taking the sample. It might give you peace of mind, but as before mentioned.........as long as it is coming OUT....I don't think that contamination would be an issue unless the ground water contamination in your area is very high.
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), May 03, 2002.