FS: Black 15mm/f4.5 Heliar w/case and 28/90 M mount adapter

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I had misplaced my 15mm and believed it had been lifted from my bag. I ordered a new one and before it was delivered found the misplaced one. I am selling the new one with the adapter and the fitted case, the lens has never been mounted on a camera, all delivered in original packaging.

Total package $470.00, I will pay shipping.

If you do not own or have not used this lens I can only say you need one. The field of view is fantastic, the glass sharp and contrasty, the build quality first rate (if Leica had made it I would hate to think of the cost) and the physical size is smaller than the 35mm Summicron. I will accept PAYPAL or money order. Thought I would give the forum a chance before I go to other selling venue. Email me if interested. Thank you.

-- Richard Hoag (wpcdallas@aol.com), May 02, 2002


i just got one a/adaptor for $340, i know it's not leitz_nor_leica.

-- Steve (leitz_not_leica@hotmail.com), May 02, 2002.

I bought it(mint condition) at $230 a month ago.

-- Dongjun Cho (hexar@hanmail.net), May 02, 2002.

Richard, why dont you return the lens to the shop?

-- Karl Yik (karl.yik@dk.com), May 03, 2002.

I was unaware that my pricing was so out of line. The lens has been returned to the shop where it was purchased.

-- Richard (wpcdallas@aol.com), May 03, 2002.

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