Update on new Forum Sitegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi folks. I bet you got a lot done outside during the last three days! Nothing like a good long forum outage to help me catch up on the honey do list! :-)Anyway, I want to let you all know that we are making fast progress on the new site. Myself and the other "offshoot" forum moderators have been collaborating to try to make the new site as user friendly as possible. WHICH MEANS - we do have a prototype site up. I won't give out the address publicly just yet, but I will tell you that I've gone ahead and purchased the web hosting service that will give us 800 megabytes of storage with which to catalog the archives and run the new site.
In the next week or so I'll be inviting select members from this site to preview the new one and give us feedback so that we can make sure the transition will be as smooth and painless as possible.
We will then announce the new site's opening and give everyone a chance to check it out, while keeping this one running as well. At some point (as yet undetermined) we will then make the move to the new site, and hopefully not have to suffer through any more outages like the one we've just experienced. The new site will also, as promised, have many features that are not available now, such as a search feature, private messaging capability that will allow you to receive personal messages without giving away your actual email address, and more.
If you are a moderator on an offshoot forum and have not yet been invited to preview the new site, I apologize, please contact me and I'll set you up to take a test drive.
As previously stated, the intent with moving the forum is to do the following:
- make the forum more stable (no more outages!)
- ensure the survival of the forum
- make searching and maintenance easier
- preserve the forum archives - one way or another
One other feature that may get offered - personalized email aliases (yourname@homesteadingtoday.com). We'll see.
In the meantime, enjoy the spring weather! (or at least look at it out the window once in awhile between posts!)
--(woah@mission4me.com), May 01, 2002
I can't wait!!! Yes, I'm still here, although lurking mostly! Thanks for all the work you've been putting, in, Chuck!
-- Debbie in MO (risingwind@socket.net), May 01, 2002.
Wow Chuck, you're quick. I just got finished asking you on another thread when the new site was going to be ready. Sounds like it's going to be great!
-- Terri in WV (mrs_swift_26547@yahoo.com), May 01, 2002.
Thanks for the update Chuck. The site sounds like it will be great. I appreciate all the work you're putting into this.
-- Murray in ME (lkdmfarm@megalink.net), May 01, 2002.
Oh boy, new waters without the sharks! LOL LQ
-- Little Quacker in OR (carouselxing@juno.com), May 01, 2002.
Look forward to it Chuck. Hard to please everyone but the efort is appreciated
-- Ross (amulet@istar.ca), May 01, 2002.
Wonderful! I've missed seeing your "pretty" face around lately! Looking forward to the new site, and a truly heartfelt Thank You for all the work you have put in - I know I am not alone in my appreciation.
-- Christine in OK (cljford@mmcable.com), May 01, 2002.
I am so glad to hear that you haven't been here. I am practically puter illiterate and thought this thing needed to go in the shop again. Keep up the good work. I have really missed you all the last couple of days.
-- Robin Downing (Southpawrobin1@aol.com), May 02, 2002.
YAY!!! That is great news! Thanks for all the hard work and time you've spent working on this.
-- Lenette (kigervixen@nowhere.com), May 02, 2002.
Did I hear 'search'????? SEARCH!!!!!! YAY!
-- Kevin (kreffitt@pbtcomm.net), May 02, 2002.
Well it was a nice thought that while down I got outside things done , I didn't feel like playing in the snow !!!!!!!!! I probally did gain 5 pounds from sitting and hitting buttons to see if the forum would come up.I only needed 1 finger , that left the rest for the cookie jar .
-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@hotmail.com), May 02, 2002.
I didn't realize how I missed these sites. Did my morning chores and couldn't enjoy coffee without my sites!! Poor me!! Wanted to share they did a big special on me in the McAlester paper. Oh well I guess I can't brag now. Debbie in OK
-- debbie (bwolcott@cwis.net), May 02, 2002.
Thank you for the update, Chuck; all of us look forward to moving to the new site.
-- j.r. guerra in s. tx. (jrguerra@boultinghousesimpson.com), May 02, 2002.
Thanks, Chuck! And I always check the web from work so I actually DID work the last three days... :o> They'd better pay me EXTRA for working those three!
-- Gailann Schrader (gtschrader@aol.com), May 02, 2002.
Oh boy! New site, new stuff, no more withdrawals from not reading the forum. Yea, you go guy!
-- Cindy (sidepasser@hotmail.com), May 02, 2002.
I had with drawl, so a new site would be nice. Please don't make it difficult. I like this format. I simply am not computor smart. OLd age doesn't help. Make it easy
-- Irene texas (tkorsborn@cs.com), May 02, 2002.
YES!!!!! A new site and no downtime and the ability to post and recieve answers without publishing our email (which have gotten me some "nasties" and added benefits! What more could we want? Blessings upon you all.
-- Rosalie (Dee) in IN (deatline@globalsite.net), May 02, 2002.
soooo glad to hear this I really missed the site while it was down good luck with the new site. ronda
-- ronda (the johnsons@localaccess.com), May 02, 2002.
Hi Chuck;Thanks for all of your work, it sounds like it's going to be a great site. Will you post the address of the new forum here when the move occurs for all of us who lurk without posting on a regular basis?
Jim T. in MO
-- Jim Tanner (tanner_jim@hotmail.com), May 02, 2002.
When I couldn't access the Forum these last few days I thought that you had already moved it and I wouldn't know where! Will there be a link to the new forum on the Countryside web site? (Sorry if these questions have been answered before but I can't always keep up with all the messages).Please let me know if I need to send my email address somewhere for the notification of the new site.
Thanks to all who make this forum possible.
-- Jane in southwest WI (ladyjane@mwt.net), May 02, 2002.
You can BE SURE that there will be a notice posted when we move to the new site. NO ONE will get left behind.
-- chuck in md (woah@mission4me.com), May 03, 2002.
Thanks Chuck! We are all eagerly awaiting the transition!! Especially me...
-- Melissa in SE Ohio (me@home.net), May 03, 2002.