
greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi All, I thought I would let you know that I have just started a new web site http://www.MVF4.com and would like some suggestions from you guys as to what you would like to see in it.

Thanks and regards,

Harald Atkinson.

-- Harald Atkinson (harald@748r.net), May 01, 2002


Yeah, lose the flash and other non open stuff so those of us that don't use Grimdows can view it. Just use straight HTML! The best sites are straight HTML.

-- Andy Ruhl (quadreverb@yahoo.com), May 01, 2002.

Thanks for your comment but I am sorry, but the Flash stays, the menu is designed using Flash. I was after content advice, not web design advice.



-- Harald Atkinson (harald@748r.net), May 02, 2002.

The site is OK, but when I click the MV links they all go to Duc 748 pages... The site is called Mvf4.com or 748.net?

-- Igor de Lacerda e Schutz (igao@ig.com.br), May 02, 2002.

The site looks after both bikes......MVF4 and 748R Both web sites work........MVF4.com is directed to 748r.net

The MV content is brand new and very raw at this stage.......more will be up as the MV is ridden more..........etc.


-- Pete hughes (pete@748r.net), May 02, 2002.

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