PEACOCK! help, how to catch one safely??? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi, my husband and I are quickly becoming the "neighbors from hell" with our peacocks! We have 1 male and 2 female and 2 yearling males. We caught 1 of the yearlings already using a foot snare (homemade) but now the other yearling knows we're after him, can't get close enough to catch him. We've got a great home lined up for these 2 youngsters, if we can just catch him! Any ideas will be much appreciated!
-- Karen Brindle (, April 29, 2002
I recommend a 12 gauge with #6 shot. Probably a modified choke will do except for the last one which might take a full choke.If you're not looking to eat them immediately I'd go with a large box trap. Simple and still effective.
-- Alan (, April 29, 2002.
A large fishing net?
-- tracy (, April 29, 2002.
Could they be lured with food far enough into a building like, say, a garage, so you could rush them and get the door closed before they figure out what was going on?
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, April 29, 2002.
If we are called out to "rescue" one that has wondered too far from home we get them at night with a long handled net, the type used for monkeys. Good luck, I know it is not easy! LQ
-- Little Quacker in OR (, May 01, 2002.
Hi: Feed them every day corn, after two or three days feeding them corn, you get more or less the same amount of corn you use to feed them and soak it over night in wine or any other alcoholic beverage, if you use wine use white sweet wine so the corn wont change color. Feed them with the "alcoholic corn" in 15 minutes are drunk. Catch them and in one or two hours they will be Ok. If you want to eat them, butcher them while they are drunk. Good Luck Ralph.
-- Ralph Roces (, May 01, 2002.
We had one escape soon after we got it and it finally roosted about thirty feet up in an oak tree. I got up before daylight and waited in the underbrush. Finally caught him when he came down and I herded him into a fence which seemed to baffle him.You might try dryed cat food leading into a temporary pen with netting on top as a trap.
-- Darren (, May 01, 2002.
Peacocks are very vain, or maybe just curious. When ours get out on occasion, we take a large mirror and place it in the garage or chicken coop which has a door to close behind. Leave the door open and go and have a coffee, lunch, play cards, etc for an hour or so. Eventually they'll find the mirror, be intrigued at their image and stand transfixed in front of the mirror. Then, it's simply a matter of walking quietly in behind them, closing the door and grabbing them. Wear gloves and watch your face...they are big and strong with sharp claws. Good luck.Russ
-- (, May 02, 2002.
Thank you for all the advise! I finally caught the little rascal using a foot snare... a string with a loop. Now neighbors are complaining that the 2 hens are pooping on their deck and that the male went into their garage and pooped (they left the door open).
-- Karen (, May 02, 2002.